文章标题:Diversity and structure of soil bacterial communities in the Fildes Region(maritime Antarctica)as revealed by 454 pyrosequencing
文章关键字:antarctica, 16S rRNA gene, bacterial communities, soil geochemical property, molecular ecology
高通量测序平台:Roche 454
测序区域:16S V1-V3
4种类型土样中,土壤细菌多样性最大的是企鹅聚居地土壤,其次是原始土壤、人类聚居地土壤和海象聚居地土壤。4种类型的土样中都含有丰富的变形菌门、放线菌门、酸杆菌门、疣微菌门。4种类型土样的化学性质和细菌群落的结构存在显著差异。4种类型土壤中,热袍菌门、蓝藻、纤维杆菌门、耐辐射嗜、绿菌门在丰度上存在显著差异。在4种类型的土样中,Gaiella, Chloracidobacterium, Nitrospira, Polaromonas, Gemmatinonas, Sphingomonas和Chthoniobacter占主导地位,而Chamaesiphon, Herbaspirillum, Hirschia, Nevskia, Nitrosococcus, Rhodococcus, Rhodomicrobium和 Xanthomonas则在丰度上存在明显差异。通过基于距离的冗余分析发现,pH、磷、有机碳、有机氮是影响土壤细菌群落分布的最主要因素。

This study assessed the diversity and composition of bacterial communities in four different soils (human-,penguin-, seal-colony impacted soils and pristine soil) in the Fides Region (King George Island, Antarctica) using 454 pyrosequencing wiht bacterial-specific primers targeting the 16S rRNA gene. Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Acidobacteria, and Verrucomicrobia were abundant phyla in almost all the soil samples. The four types of soils were significantly different in geochemical properties and bacterial community structure. Thermotogae, Cyanobacteria, Fibrobacteres, Deinococcus-Thermus, and Chlorobi obviously varied in their abundance among the 4 soil types. Considering all the samples together, members of the genera Gaiella, Chloracidobacterium, Nitrospira, Polaromonas, Gemmatinonas, Sphingomonas, and Chthoniobacter were found to predominate,whereas members of the genera Chamaesiphon, Herbaspirillum, Hirschia, Nevskia, Nitrosococcus, Rhodococcus, Rhodomicrobium, and Xanthomonas varied obviously in their abundance among the four soil types. Distance-based redundancy analysis revealed that pH(p<0.01), phosphate phosphorus (p<0.01), organic carbon (p<0.05), and organic nitrogen (p<0.05) were the most significant factors that correlated with the community distribution of soil bacteria. To our knowledge, this is the first study to explore the soil bacterial communities in human-, penuin-, and seal-colony impacted soils from ice-free areas in maritime Antarctica using high-throughput pyrosequencing.
作者姓名及期刊: Neng Fei Wang, Tao Zhang, Fang Zhang, En Tao Wang, Jian Feng He, Hui Ding, Bo Tao Zhang, Jie Liu, Xiang bin Ran, Jia Ye Zang